Prioritizing Distraction-Free Driving With Brent Higgins Trucking

At Brent Higgins Trucking in Mulberry, AR, safety isn’t just a priority; it’s a core value that drives every aspect of our operations. We are dedicated to fostering a culture of responsibility and vigilance on the road, where minimizing distractions is paramount to ensuring the well-being of our drivers and fellow travelers.

Understanding Distractions

Recognizing the myriad forms of distractions, both external and internal, is essential to promote safe driving habits. While common distractions like cell phone use and texting are well-known, there are subtler distractions that may go unnoticed. By understanding and addressing these distractions, we can significantly reduce the risk of accidents and protect lives.

Unique Challenges For Truck Drivers

Semi-truck drivers face distinct challenges due to the size and handling characteristics of their vehicles. These challenges necessitate heightened awareness and focus on the road. With longer stopping distances and increased maneuvering requirements, distracted driving among truckers poses a significant safety hazard that cannot be overlooked.

Statistics Speak Volumes

The sobering statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and recent studies by organizations like Travelers underscore the severity of the distracted driving epidemic. With thousands of lives lost each year and a surge in distractions exacerbated by societal factors, the need for proactive measures to combat distracted driving has never been more urgent.

Mitigating Distractions

While eliminating all distractions may be impossible, proactive measures can be taken to minimize their impact. Simple strategies such as turning off notifications and prioritizing focus on the task at hand can significantly reduce distractions. At Brent Higgins Trucking, we empower our drivers with the knowledge and tools to navigate distractions safely.

Safe Driving Practices

Contrary to popular belief, multitasking behind the wheel is not feasible. However, engaging in activities that utilize different parts of the brain, such as listening to podcasts, can be done safely. By promoting safe driving practices that prioritize attention and alertness, we aim to create a safer environment for all road users.

Common Distractions Faced by Truck Drivers

Truck drivers encounter a variety of distractions on the road, ranging from electronic devices to external stimuli like billboards and roadside attractions. Recognizing these distractions is the first step toward mitigating their impact and maintaining focus on safe driving.

Join Our Safety-Conscious Team

Brent Higgins Trucking invites experienced drivers with a strong safety record and a valid CDL to join our team. If you have at least two years of driving experience and share our commitment to distraction-free driving, we welcome your application. Together, let’s uphold the highest standards of safety and make every journey a safe one.


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