Part II: Steps to Enhance Personal and Cargo Security on the Road

Cargo theft presents a significant challenge for truckers, but there are proactive measures they can take to protect themselves and their valuable shipments. At Brent Higgins Trucking in Mulberry, AR, we prioritize the well-being of our drivers and cargo security. Here are practical steps truckers can implement to enhance personal and cargo security while on the road. 

Stay Vigilant

Maintaining awareness of your surroundings is paramount to preventing theft. Be attentive while driving and vigilant when stopped at rest areas or truck stops. If anything seems amiss or suspicious, trust your instincts and take appropriate action, whether it’s alerting law enforcement or relocating to a safer location.

Choose Secure Parking Spots

Opt for well-lit, secure parking areas whenever possible. Park in spots with visibility and close proximity to security cameras or personnel. Always lock your truck doors and ensure your keys are with you at all times. Conduct a visual inspection of your truck before departing to detect any signs of tampering or unauthorized access.

Utilize Technology

Leverage technology to enhance security measures. Install and activate vehicle alarm systems to deter thieves and alert nearby individuals in case of unauthorized entry. Consider investing in GPS tracking devices to monitor your truck’s location and movement, providing an additional layer of protection against theft.

Plan Your Route Wisely

Before hitting the road, plan your route carefully and share it with your dispatcher. Stick to designated stops and communicate any deviations promptly. Minimize unnecessary stops by completing fueling, rest, and other tasks beforehand, reducing exposure to potential theft risks.

Educate Yourself

Stay informed about common theft tactics and trends in cargo theft. Attend training sessions or workshops on security awareness and theft prevention. Share insights and experiences with fellow truckers to collectively strengthen security measures within the industry.

Report Suspicious Activity

Be proactive in reporting any suspicious activity or individuals to law enforcement or your company’s security team. Document and report any incidents of theft or attempted theft promptly to facilitate investigations and prevent future occurrences.

By taking proactive steps to enhance personal and cargo security, truckers can minimize the risk of falling victim to theft on the road. At Brent Higgins Trucking, we empower our drivers with the knowledge and resources they need to navigate safely and confidently. Together, let’s prioritize safety and security to safeguard our cargo and ensure a successful journey on the open road.


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